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Frequently asked questions

What kind of analytics does CADLIA provide?

CADLIA offers in-depth call analytics, including call durations, missed calls, inbound/outbound call distribution, department-specific trends, and more, helping businesses make data-driven decisions.

What kind of support do you offer?

We provide 24/7 support to address technical issues, offer guidance, and ensure smooth operation of your analytics tools.

How secure is my data with CADLIA?

We prioritize data security and use industry-standard encryption and privacy measures to ensure your business data remains safe.

How do I get updates for the software?

Our software updates are automatically pushed to your system, ensuring you always have the latest features and improvements without any hassle.

Is CADLIA compatible with existing phone systems?

Yes, CADLIA integrates seamlessly with platforms like 3CX, Avaya, and others to provide comprehensive reporting and analytics.

Do you offer customized solutions?

Absolutely! We tailor our dashboards, reports, and analytics to meet your business’s unique needs and goals.

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